Pedro & Tom are calling you for a Contact and Dance Improvisation gathering in the beautiful retreat center Armonia in a the magical island of Crete.
Our passion lies in seamlessly blending our unique qualities as teachers and facilitators to approach the study of dance and contact in a methodical and scientific manner, while simultaneously embracing the artistic and poetic aspects of these beautiful forms of expression.
In this 7 day retreat we invite you to anchor in the strong CI technique that we have shared and inherited over the last 50 years ago since Steve Paxton’s time, and to dive into a field of trust where we can, each at our own level of physical ability, express ourselves beyond our apparent limits.
We will explore as well techniques from Dance Improvisation & Authentic movement.
This retreat/training was given by us in Portugal and we wish to continue share it in other Countries and communities – you are welcome to join for a wonderful dancing journey.
Where – Armonia retreat center. Douliana village.
WHEN – 4-10 Novemver 2023
FOOD – (6 X breakfast/lunch/dinner from the best Greek cuisine, and all day refreshments) – 185 Euro.
At Armonia, you will share a room with either one, two or three other guests.
First come, first served.
(if you come with a friend let us know so we can situate you together in one room).
Price – 275 Euro (per person).
You can also apply for a single luxurious house for yourself just outside Armonia center.
Price – 395 Euro.
Morning Classes will ground your skills.
Afternoon Sessions will expand your creativity.
Evening JAMs will ultimately bring everything together in the Here and Now.
Program – Daily frame
08:30 Breakfast
10:00-13:00 – Morning class
13:00-13:30 – Sharing
13:30 Lunch
16:00 -18:30 – Afternoon session
19:00 Dinner
20:30-22:30 – Jam session /Evening activities
These are a few expressions that can summarize the work we will be sharing:
…Rising Awareness…
…Being in the Presence…
If you have a question you can send it
I am a dancer and researcher in the area of Conscious Movement and Contact Improvisation, dedicating myself to dance since I was a child.
I was trained in classical and contemporary dance techniques by the National Conservatory of Portugal and performed with independent companies and collectives around the world.
I directed artistic projects and residencies, as well as retreats, workshops and gatherings, having today around twenty years of professional experience as a teacher, choreographer and space holder.
I am centered on the theme “Self-Awareness towards the Collective Field”. I believe, having seen many evidences, that dancing frees and promotes self-confidence, willingness and curiosity to interact, thus blossoming our potential of Being… whole, fluid, with spontaneity and focus… Presence.
I am a performance artist, dancer and a dance teacher in the field of Dance & Contact Improvisation.
After finishing my studies in Israel I moved to Amsterdam and co-founded with 5 other performance artists the group – Mono Collective that performs free and anchored Dance pieces.
In the last years I have been performing and giving workshops on the techniques of Improvisation in Dance and Contact.
I have been teaching contact and dance since 15 years all around the world, on internationally acknowledged festivals and dance trainings.
All of the above are just words that are saying basically: Contact Improvisation is my passion and I love to share it with everyone.
Here are more pictures from our last workshops in Crete & in Portugal